Till ongoing throughout bugs are smoothed out! Its too long of game to mess with end users looking simply play good to great games Especially when $$ to do so we deserve a grinding ongoing headache free positive experience!
Too bad this 1 has lots potential to be 1 best if only it was written to run smoothly!!
STILL SCREAMING! Finally this SHADOW NIGHTMARE is over and bittersweet! Loved it yet throughout 6+ long chapters (long is great) BUT FIX THE %#{}%^€><~
BUGS!! Mid chspterS 1st time well into game 1 bug NO BLUEPRINTS! (and yep its not my game play they were in items then I press away that point in story and the item needed was gone FORCED STARTING ALL OVER AND RISKING IF IT WOULD FINALLY WORK 2nd time aaaaaaaall way to 3/4 in While 2nd time this 1 BUG AMONG MANY e.g CONSTANT MORE THAN NOT TOUCHY PESTY PISSY MOVEMENTS DISPLAYS MOTIONS OVERALL AGAIN & AGAIN BUGGY BUGGY n MORE PESTY TOUCH & GO and too bad bc IF THIS WOULD HAVE RAN SMOOTHLY WOULD HAVE BEEN REALLY COOL! But it doesnt and thus proved RIDE MY LAST NERVE I found tho I couldnt put it down the story all cool aspects POTENTIALLY kept me wanting to EEK THIS GAME OUT WANTED IT TO WORK!!!!!! A final note interestingly enough for as long as this game is and again if it ran like should no bugs I prefer longer games like this /HOP/great puzzles mini games fantasy driven story & graphics if only it wanted littered with ongoing stuttering and flat out lags to having to shut off game or hardware then go back in and hope pushed whatever was stuck THIS WOULD DRIVE ANYONE TO WANT TO THROW THEIR DEVICE OR SELF OUT A HIGH RISE SO FRUSTRATING As I started say interestingly enough the most enjoyable part was the bonus trio? mini chapter(s) It starts with crayons and by time get into goblins study and onward is when I was really wanting this part to not end (while still stuttering bugs and lags continued tho) Mostly was able to keep pausing thru albeit at snails pace!!!!!! via the hint feat and even then often often often had to put up with seeing what was needed yet the game play just would not run smooth The bonus section Im referring to especially bc I got into this part even more you can keep clicking the honey wax (whatever items needed) to no avail it took me half a dozen times rebooting device toggling game in out off on ...trying anything that might work Obviously this game has lots potential as I said otherwise 1 would just shut it down DEL yet I stuck with it and No! dont recommend anyone put themselves thru such masochistic behaviors Summed up if? when? the buggy behaviors that continue throughout this game were to be worked out it would merited 5 stars readily in part due to length alone coupled with good fantasy story & graphics more cool mini games than not (either u went to complex w/those or too painfully simple) Come to think of it this would be as accurate a summed up review/end note as any. Bottom line unless until a new and improved BUGS ONTOP OF BUGS FREE version is offered ? No go dont do it,seriously.
heylow14 about Otherworld: Spring of Shadows Collector's Edition